#NewIndia needs a new vocabulary.
Presenting the A-Z of being an #IndiaPositiveCitizen.
Acknowledge the people inyour life. Tell them they matter.
Exchange products. It’s good for the environment and you.
Citizens make a nation great. Be an awesome #IndiaPositiveCitizen
It might be a packet of biscuits or a shirt or a meal or money. Every action adds up.
Your appreciation to the folks in your life. From your family to the security guard to a colleague to the volunteer who puts his/her life at risk to serve the nation during lockdown.
Gift food directly to those you can. Financially support an initiative that ensures food reaches the needy.
Give gifts daily. From a smile to a kind word of support. To anything else you may wish to give.
As much as a vaccine for Covid the world needs Happiness. With a smile, a compliment, a thoughtful deed you can add happiness to the world.
Buy products that are Made in India. Every rupee you spend will contribute to a fellow Indian.
Do your bit to build a nation that is Sare Jahan Se Accha.
Find joy in each day. There is plenty if we choose to look.
Now more than ever the world needs our kindness. From smiling to a stranger to not getting impatient while waiting in a queue. Even if you get a marketing call – be courteous. It’s a fellow Indian working hard to earn a living.
Never Litter
If every Indian does this we can have Swachh Bharat in a week. Always dispose of litter in a bin.
Always wear a mask when going out of your home. Gift a mask to those who need one.
Focus on nutrition to build your immunity. Think of it as an army that guards you against infection.
One of a Kind
Be your authentic, one of a kind self. Make the world a better place with your presence.
Be patient with everyone. Now more than ever we need to be considerate with each other.
Buy quality products that last. It is planet friendly and wallet friendly.
Reduce / Repair / Reuse / Recycle
A sustainable environment is essential to good health and immunity. Be eco in your purchase, use and disposal of products. This is planet friendly and wallet friendly.
Always carry a sanitizer. Gift soap/sanitizer to those who need it but are unable to afford it.
Thank people who have supported you. From family (whom we often miss to thank) to friends to colleague to people who worked hard to keep India safe – Armed Forces , Corona Warriors. Everyday thank one person .Could be when you meet or over a call or a text message. Or send them a note.
Be Understanding
This is a whole new world. Everyone has been impacted in some way. Our empathy and understanding can help another navigate this new terrain.
Share your skill / time by volunteering for a cause you believe in.
Write notes / letters to family and friends near and far. In a digital world a handwritten letter / note is especially cherished. Raise the vibe of the nation by your writing.
Cut down on non-essential expenses. Use the money saved for Insurance, Investments. Use a portion of the money saved to help a fellow citizen.
Take care of You. Eat healthy, exercise, stay positive, appreciate yoursel ,learn , grow.
Your zeal and determination to make a positive difference will create a better India.
Email us the India Positive Citizen story you wish to share.
In the title please mention 'Inspiring Story'. The story must be written in
300 words or more. Please attach relevant images.
Please include your mobile number in the email so that our team may reach
out if necessary.
*The choice of stories for publication on our site, social media is
done by our team whose decision is final.