- May 27, 2022
India Positive Citizen
My work in the space of sustainability and a meeting with PM Modi inspired in me the India Positive Citizen idea. Inviting every citizen to contribute to nation building with at least one action a week, every week. Thereafter I wrote to the PMO requesting him to consider sharing the idea in one of his Mann Ki Baat programs. As a citizen activist I have written to the PMO (and several ministries) on various issues. And had positive outcomes. As luck would have it there was no response to the India Positive idea. In retrospect that turned out to be a good thing. It inspired me to explore it myself. And then extend it to family, friends and colleagues. It eventually took the form of a social media page, social work, website and books.
So sometimes something not happening can be the very best thing. It changed the course of my life. And impacted many more through the India Positive Citizen movement.
PM Modi is one of the rare leaders who has inspired many citizens to actively participate in nation building.
When the book was published the first copy was sent to PM Modi. It was heartening to receive his response.
I am deeply appreciative of every person who has been part of this journey. India has come a long way since 2014. I am keenly aware that as a nation there are many more miles to go. In the year and years ahead I am certain we will travel well to the destination of a kinder, happier, more equitable and sustainable India.
Jai Hind.
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